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What is more effective? Mass Rallies or Local Action?

Updated: Oct 24, 2021


In normal times, Mass Demonstrations can be very effective. A large and noisy crowd will make an impact not only on the people who witness it but also on those who see and read about it in the news.

It used to be the case that a rally in London of 10,000 or more would be sure to hit the mainstream news. In which case it would reach an audience of about 70 million UK citizens. So for every participant in the rally there is the possibility of reaching 7,000 other people. Very effective.

But the Globalist cartel which has taken control and dictates policies to Governments around the world including our own UK Government know how effective Mass Rallies can be. So, when they were planning the Great Reset, they knew they had to reduce the impact of the Mass Demonstrations that inevitably would occur, and indeed, have occurred.

Part of their planning was to infiltrate and capture nearly every media corporation in the West in order to flood the media channels with their propaganda. They now have control over the media and the internet. As well as using this control for propaganda purposes, they also use it to ensure there are media “blackouts” whenever there is a large demonstration against any aspect of their agenda.

So, now, Mass demonstrations do not reach the massive audience that they used to. So their effectiveness is considerably reduced. Instead of reaching the whole population, they only make an impact with the by-standers watching. So 10,000+ people spend a day travelling to London to make an impact on maybe 20,000 or 30,000 people who actually see it. That is an average of reaching 2-3 people for every participant in the rally. Hopeless.

Without Media Coverage, Mass Demonstrations are very ineffective.

Suppose I decide, one day, to make some leaflets and spend an hour or two handing them out and talking to people in my local shopping centre. In that 2 hours I will give out at least 100 leaflets and for every leaflet that I give out, probably at least 4 or 5 are refused. It doesn't matter whether people take the leaflets or not. The people who refuse the leaflets are like the people who watch a demonstration but disagree with it. Although they might disagree with it, nevertheless the sight of people protesting has an impact on them. So in just spending 2 hours without having to pay to travel into the Centre of London or some other big city I approach at least 4-500 people. If I include the passers-by who see me but I don't get a chance to offer them a leaflet because I am busy with someone else, there are probably at least 2 of them for every person I approach, so I am reaching 1,200 to 1,500 people. I regard this as very effective. It's maybe not as effective as participating in a Mass Rally when the media are going to broadcast it far and wide, but it's far more effective than going to that same Mass Rally knowing that the Globalist-controlled media are going to give it no coverage at all.

So, in conclusion, because of the controlled media, Local action is not just far more effective than attending Mass Rallies it is at least 400X more effective. Imagine if 10,000 of the people who went to one of the big London Demos recently had instead handed out leaflets in their local areas. They could have made an impression on 12 million people. In less time, and at less personal expense. If we really want to stop the Globalists from imposing the Orwellian Nightmare upon us we had better start using our weapons to their best effect. We need to start getting out on the streets and acting locally to by-pass the Media and Internet censorship.

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Nov 02, 2021

I agree with this post. We need to organise ourselves as a force equal and better than this Global Cartel. Oak trees grow from acorns, and once one country shows how to fight effectively with organised resistance, other countries will follow. Lead by example.

"British Patriots",..... open to all people, no matter their religion or background could be the way forward. We have leaders, we already follow them on their broadcasts, so perhaps they should reach out to each other and form this force against these global facists.


Oct 22, 2021

Good for you. Takes guts to go out on the street but I think particularly for some people, in their own town. But it does get to the point where you have to hold the line and hold your head up high.

I do wonder however if it antagonises more than it helps if the majority have already been injected, but that is debatable. Boosters are now the next question mark and millions (1 in 8 of us?) have not been CV19 injected at all. So there is a little time left for direct action such as you suggest, Paul.

I wonder what the globalists will come up with next to force he Green Pass/Vax Passport or whatever they call…

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